Saturday, October 10, 2015

First Steps...

And just like that our baby boy is walking! I was holding Ryan this morning and I put him down for a second to help Aubrey with something and then he just took off in Aubrey's direction. He took about 4-5 steps and then kind of collapsed into her arms. Big sister was so proud of him and so excited that his first steps were to her. Brock had just let for a baseball tournament but he got to see Ryan in action later that day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


This sweet boy is 9 months old! He is such a little snuggler. He's content as long as he's in someone's arm. He has four teeth now (two on the top, two on the bottom), he is starting to stand alone and has even taken a couple of steps.  We always get so excited and clap for him, which he loves. He gets the biggest smile on his face and throws his arms over his head in excitement. In the last couple of weeks, he's also started waving bye bye. He really is the best.