Friday, December 26, 2014


Christmas Eve morning, Aubrey and I woke up early and went out to run a few errands and do some last minute shopping. Around 9:00, while we were at Starbucks, I started having pretty strong contractions. At first, I tried to ignore them since I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the last week and I didn't want to get my hopes up. (I was 11 days past my due date.) I drove to our next stop but by the time I parked the car, I decided this might be the real thing. So, we turned around and headed home. When we got there, I told Brock I was pretty sure we were having a baby today! Then, I sent a text to my mom and told her I was in labor and she should probably come pick up Aubrey soon. My mom arrived around 10:30. Brock helped Aubrey get ready and packed her overnight bag while I got together all of her Santa presents and stocking to give to my mom. Aubrey happily left with my mom, excited for her very first sleep over. The contractions were definitely getting stronger and were about 3 minutes apart at that point. Once Aubrey and my mom left, Brock was ready to head to the hospital but I wanted to wait a little longer. I decided to get in the shower. After about 30 minutes, I knew it was time to go. When we arrived at the hospital, I was dilated to an eight and the midwife told us we would be meeting our baby very soon! Those last 2 hours were by far the most difficult and intense. Brock, the midwife and the nurses were all amazing, so supportive and encouraging. After only 6 hours of labor and 17 minutes of pushing, our baby boy came into the world. I will never forgot the happiness that I felt in that moment. He was placed on my chest and started breastfeeding almost immediately. I was so thankful to have had the completely natural, intervention free birth that I wanted.

(Since I was overdue, I was scheduled for an induction on 12/27/14 but I was pretty sure he would come on his own, at the last minute, just like his sister. And thankfully he did!)

Ryan was healthy and breastfeeding well; so we were discharged less than 24 hours later. I was overjoyed to bring our baby boy home early Christmas Day so we could celebrate with Aubrey. It was so, so special and my very favorite Christmas ever.

Aubrey holding Ryan for the first time (Christmas Day)

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